I want to start off with a huge and whole hearted thank you to my sister, husband and the women of Birth Blossoms, without you I don’t know if I would have been able to experience the birth I dreamed of.

So let’s dig in, on Sunday night after a day of football I sent a text to Hailey informing her I was sure I was gonna have the baby that night. She told me to eat, rest, and that she was ready when I was. Around midnight I finally went to bed no contractions . 

At 5 am ish I had 1 good contraction and I went right back to bed, then 6:00 came around and I had another and they were coming about every 4-5 mins. The contraction themselves felt different from the prodromal labor I had been having. My sister was now up with me talking me through the contractions. I got in the bath for a short time then decided to get out. Once out the contractions got worse I also wiped a little blood. I called Hailey she listened to a contraction and told my sister who had the phone at that point she was coming up and to start the process of getting ready to have a baby.

"I want to start off with a huge and whole hearted thank you to my sister, husband and the women of Birth Blossoms, without you I don’t know if I would have been able to experience the birth I dreamed of."

In that time grandma was called to get our two other children,the birth pool was blown up and filled by my husband. Once Hailey arrived i asked her to check me ,to my surprise I was already 9 cm. I was a 3-4 cm on Wednesday. After that I got in the pool and I think I got quiet. the contractions were still coming but the water helped. The team was showing up. I said hi to Kerry when I looked up. I was leaning into the wall of the pool as my sister put pressure on my lower back. I did the breathing techniques Kerry had taught me in the belly beautiful classes I attended. Before I knew it i was pushing.

I kept feeling for her head ,as she was starting to crown I felt my water break and the hair on my little girls head. With another push her head was out and then the rest of her body, I pulled her onto my chest and laid eyes on my Amelia for the first time. Poor jordie another assistance came in after that. A few minutes later I delivered the placenta. Once I was ready my husband cut the cord and took our daughter into his arms. I got out and went to my bed.

Once in bed my midwife checked for any tearing down there, I didn’t have anything . The team was in the living room cleaning up. My girls came home and meet their newest sister. We weighed Amelia after that. To I think all of our surprise she weighed in at 9 pounds 15 ounces. My dreams of a small baby are slowly dying! I got a shower not to long after and ate. Hailey came in said her goodbyes along with the rest of the team.

"To, I think all of our surprise, she weighed in at 9 pounds 15 ounces. My dreams of a small baby are slowly dying!"

I was now at home with my newborn as happy as can be. Not to long after a close family friend came over . I went to the couch while she was here. I started to feel some heavy bleeding so I asked my husband to grab a towel I didn’t want it on my rug. Once I stood up well it was a bit of a mess after that. I went to the shower where I passed alot of clots and had more bleeding. My husband and sister both said we need to call the Hailey. I think it was my husband who called. I remember Laura telling Hailey how much I was losing and they decided I needed ems.

I got back in bed and waited. Still losing alot of blood I felt fine. Ems got there and put me in a stair chair because they couldn’t get the stretcher in my house. As soon as I was up right I passed out. I remember coming to like 10 seconds later in my living room calling for my husband and sister. The boys loaded me up and we went to the hospital where my midwife was waiting for me; I received excellent care and pitocin. I stayed over night and received 2 bags of blood. Amelia joined me as I had just had her and we are breastfeeding. My husband went home with our 2 older girls and my sister stayed. I had a postpartum Hemorrhage. By 7 am on the 25th the next morning I was all good to go home. Everything was fine.

A special thank you to the receiving obstetrician Dr Crawford and the supportive staff at Indian River Medical Center.

Experiencing a natural birth was by far one of the most empowering things I think you can do as a women . For our future baby I will definitely be choosing home birth!
