Home Birth Support with Birth Blossoms

  • Lavender Package

    The Lavender care package provides all essential birth services and is perfect for returning families and experienced birthers who do not wish to birth in water.

  • Water Lily Package

    Water Lily is our premium care package of services for experienced families wishing to birth in water.

    This package includes all Lavender package services plus hydrotherapy, water level and temperature assessment, under water labor assessment—and can include when safety permits: underwater delivery, immediate postpartum assessment of mother and newborn in water, and birth of placenta in water.

    This also includes clean-up of the pool immediately after delivery.

  • Blossom Package

    The Blossom care package was created especially for first-time moms and families seeking a full-service package.

    We include in-home prenatal care for most visits, supplies, pool set-up, optional mental health visits with a licensed mental health counselor and preparation classes for both mom and her partner.

    We find when families invest in childbirth classes and whole wellness, they are more likely to feel successful about their experience.


  • Birth Blossoms custom package, order HERE

  • All you've every wanted to know about birth in water HERE

  • All you need for pregnancy and birth preparation HERE

  • For all herbs to avoid in pregnancy, download HERE