On Tuesday, February 22 I decided to go to the chiropractor to hopefully get things moving along. Later that day I started having bloody show. All that day I continued to bleed little bits. The next day I went and saw Mary and Hailey. They said it could be that day or another week. I knew it would be soon ☺️. I went home and carried on as usual, except I decided to lay and nap instead of going on a walk. So glad I did that because it prepared me for that evening.

I continued having bloody show. By 6 pm my contractions picked up a rhythm and started about 12-15 min apart. An hour later they were 8 min. Finally Greg came home and soon they were close to 5 min. He called everyone to come. I spoke with Mary on the phone and they were 5 min. As soon as I hung up they became closer 😬.

"The next day I went and saw Mary and Hailey. They said it could be that day or another week. I knew it would be soon ☺️"

Thankfully, Jordan showed up right then! It was really happening! I was going to meet my sweet rainbow baby that we all anticipated. I showered and Jordan and Greg started on the pool. Once Mary, Courtney and my doula, Raquel, arrived, we all went for a walk. My goal that I had from the beginning was to walk to the water. We went, stopped every minute or two for breathing through the surges. I was so proud of myself. I felt so strong. Surrounded by all these women who I love and my husband supporting me through this moment. We got back from the water and I jumped right in the pool. By now, I want to say they were 2 minutes apart. My friend Sooners got there just in time. I was in the water maybe 40 min and he was coming.

I could feel every moment. I didn’t need coaching, my body knew just what to do. I honestly tried to pace myself because I really did not want to tear, as I have with every single baby. His head was coming. The ring of fire didn’t last long, his head was out. I couldn’t pause long and after a few seconds I birthed the rest of his little body, my husband catching him with the prompting of Mary. He was here! All 8.4 lbs of him. And no tearing!!! By far my easiest, fastest, most amazing birth. He latched right away, and hasn’t stopped since lol.

"I am so thankful for Birth Blossoms. I am so thankful for my midwives. Honestly, them, along with God showed me my calling."

Aside from being a wife and mama, I was out here to support moms and babies. My heart beats for birth. Without them, I’m not sure I would have discovered that. 💜